17 September 2008

Fiddling while empires burn.

Apologies for the brief nature of today's commentary: I've been out and about in the real world, trading my goggles for a sledgehammer and giving free rein to my destructive nature in the service of good (or at least not-evil). I just want to say this:

Burning Empires blows my mind.

And frankly, that's impressive, because I have a lot of mind – and it does not, dear reader, blow easily. By all means, go over to their lab and poke around. Thor Olavsrud's series of articles detailing the evolution of Burning Empires from over-dinner hobnobbery to glossy, bricklike printed product is a real insight to those of us who aspire to someday publish similar efforts of our own. Faith Conquers and Sheva's War are on their way to me as I type — and I must say, I look forward to those comics as I have not looked forward to a comic since the halcyon days when I had an Appleseed subscription.

Eagerly awaiting –

Dr. Madu

PS "Karsan League Tequila: This Time, The Worm Eats You."


Jariris said...

I do so miss dinner time hobnobbery.

Dr. Madu said...

And I miss storytelling Werewolf over your sleeping head. :)

–The Doctor

Jariris said...

Hey now, I understood that!

What if I promised that I'm almost entirely past my narcoleptic phase? It only took 15 years... or so.